Voice is one’s brand ambassador. We create our own perceptions on a personality and relate to an emotional context when we hear a voice. Studies on human cognitive and brain sciences indicate… “Prosody, essentially the “music” of speech, can reflect the feelings of the speaker, thereby helping to convey the context of language. In humans, sensitivity to emotional prosody is crucial for social communication”. The patterns of pauses, intonations etc in our voice define the emotional substance of the language or the words we speak. Many a times we are not aware of the emotional substance we convey.
Theatrical techniques on voice expose one to its emotional substance. The workshop aims to make the participants aware of the nuances of our voice so that they can use them effectively to express and have the desired impact in their communication, presentations and public speaking. Voice technique is an important life skill to nurture, especially, in the formative years that helps to become emotionally intelligent to effectively interact in various social fabrics including debates, Mock United Nations(MUN) and other public speaking platforms.
The workshop will be rendered online through Microsoft Teams in English and is designed for any English speaking kid residing anywhere in the world.