Ph: +918197401133, +91 8008001492

Conflict Management

Embrace conflicts so long it creates value and manage it along its journey

Conflict is real, conflict is inevitable. Conflicts arise in our day to day interactions in diverse settings. Conflicts have not only been a ubiquitous phenomenon in the progress of human history but have often been the reason for the creation of history itself. Unidentified or unresolved conflicts generate negative energy, adversely impacting a desired outcome.  

While we need to reduce conflicts or their impact, we may not like to eradicate them completely in certain situations. Healthy conflict is good for the outcome of any project as it brings different points of view on the table. We should embrace conflict as long as it creates value and ensure that we manage it along its journey


Theatre Based Intervention, allows participants to distance themselves and work on real conflicts dispassionately without being defensive in a non-threatening environment.  It allows them to identify and resolve conflicts as participants are made to learn on their own in a well facilitated process. The facilitation process uses theatrical techniques to explore root causes of conflict including anger, bias, prejudice, fixed mindset etc.  Acting out multiple simulated scenarios which may be similar in content but different in context make the participants understand the behavioural mindset that drive conflicts and with interactive sessions and goal setting, influence them to bring about a positive change. This process helps the participants to make deep causal connections on conflicts and helps them to manage the causes rather than managing the consequences.   

As the participants act out multiple scenarios they understand the non – verbal aspects of communication like body language and tonal nuances which helps them to build bridges with people and strike the right cords for a healthy relationship.   Conflict Management workshops can be tailored to meet the specific needs of an individual or an organization and offer an exceptional opportunity to learn about group dynamics while having fun.


Expected Outcomes

Participants will

  • Recognize root causes of conflict
  • Understand different ways to manage the root causes and thereby manage conflicts
  • Improve on Leadership & Communication skills

The organization will experience

  • Improved work environment
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved teamwork
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+91 8008001492

+91 8197401133

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